Latest news: Spring time in South East Queensland. Tuesday, 22 Oct 2024

Live Weather - Ocean View - 13:19 AEST

Live Weather Ocean View Now

26.9°C (+1.4°C/hour)
Dew Point:
Wind Chill:
Feels Like :
Air Pressure:
1010.6hpa (-0.9hpa/hour)
Wind Speed:
2.0Kts (3.7Kmph)
Wind Direction:
38°(NE )
Rain Total: *
0.0mm (0.0mm/hour)
UV Index:
7.3 (High)
Solar Energy:
Est. Cloud Base:
1150.0m (3772Feet)
Air Quality:
21.0 (V. Good)     Details

Live Weather Ocean View So Far Today

Highest Temp:
27.2°C (at 13:15)
Lowest Temp:
16.7°C (at 05:21)
Strongest Wind:
5.0Kts/9.3Kmph (at 08:19)
Highest UV:
9.8 - Very High (at 11:13)
Highest Solar:
1645Watts/m² (at 11:13)

It last rained in Ocean View  Yesterday.

Bush Fire Rating


OceanView Weather Almanac

OceanView Weather Forecast October 2024

Highest Temp:
33.9°C (19 Oct 2024-15:04)
Lowest Temp:
 11.7°C (4 Oct 2024-04:41)
Avg. Max Temp:
 25.8°C (Avg. 26.1°C)
Avg. Min Temp:
 15.8°C (Avg. 15.8°C)
Total Rain:
60.6mm(Avg. 75.4mm)
Days of Rain:
 10 (Avg. 9)
Strongest Wind:
 18.0Kts/33.3Kmph (5 Oct )
Air Pressure:
 1026.1hpa - 1003.8hpa
Highest UV:
9.8 (22 Oct 2024-11:13)
Highest Solar:
 1670Watts/m² (16 Oct 2024)

OceanView Weather Forecast Year To Date

Highest Temp:
36.0°C (22 Jan 2024-14:42)
Lowest Temp:
 6.2°C (29 Jul 2024-06:32)
Avg. Temp:
 19.1°C (Avg. 19.95°C)
Wettest Day:
 204.2mm (30 Jan 2024)
Total Rain:
1133.5mm (Avg. 916.1mm)
Rainy Days:
 134 (Avg. 97)
Strongest Wind:
 21.0Kts/38.8Kmph (16 Jul)
Highest UV:
14.1 (27 Jan 2024)
Highest Solar:
1865Watts/m² (07 Aug 2024)

Last 5 Days Weather   

  Max Min Rain UVIndex
21 Oct 25.7°C 16.7°C 0.2mm 9.2 (Very High)
20 Oct 25.4°C 17.8°C 0.2mm 9.4 (Very High)
19 Oct 33.9°C 19.2°C 0.0mm 8.6 (Very High)
18 Oct 28.1°C 17.3°C 0.0mm 9.1 (Very High)
17 Oct 27.0°C 16.1°C 0.2mm 9.3 (Very High)

Ocean View - Custom Generated Weather Forecast



Tuesday Night


Wednesday Night

5 Day Weather Forecast
OceanView Weather Forecast
Ocean View Weather Forecast
Ocean View 7 Day Weather Forecast
Partly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
Clear - Fair
Max: 27°C
Min: 18°C
Max: 30°C
Min: 18°C
Wind Speed:
1 - 3 Kts
1 Kmph - 5 Kmph
0 - 3 Kts
0 Kmph - 5 Kmph
0 - 5 Kts
0 Kmph - 9 Kmph
1 - 4 Kts
1 Kmph - 7 Kmph
Wind Dir:
Ocean View Wind Speed
SE  Ocean View Wind Speed
NNE  Ocean View Wind Speed
Ocean View Wind Speed
UV Index:
8 (Very High)
9 (Very High)

Today's Forecast

Partly to mostly cloudy in the morning, becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon. Warm. High 27. UV index up to 8. Wind north around 3 kts in the morning, becoming east in the afternoon.

(Read the forecast to me  )

5 Day Forecast Today's Forecast

Live and Timelapse Webcam

OceanView Weather Webcam


Sunrise - 04:27 (AEST)
Sunset - 18:23 (AEST)

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